Our journey began in the office premises of Nine Internet Solutions, when during a brainstorming session, we decided to create a promotional video for Deploio. Our mission was to present the Swiss solution for managing web applications in a humorous and original way.

Our creative minds from Renuo and Nine Internet Solutions at the Deploio brainstorming session
The Secret🤫
Inspiration struck in the form of an idea so crazy it just had to work: a parody of the iconic Appenzeller cheese commercial. It was intended to be a tribute that would make people smile. To bring our idea to life, we sought talented partners. After some time, I managed to contact Jeremy Fuchs of KeyFrame. Jeremy and I had met during my studies at the Zurich University of Applied Sciences. His fresh ideas and enthusiasm had captivated me from the start. Once I shared our concept for Deploio with Jeremy, he was immediately on board to bring the project to fruition.
The Challenge of Filming
The talented actors, including the charismatic Raphael Rohner, were carefully selected by KeyFrame. Tobias Kirchmeier, also from KeyFrame, handled the location scouting, and we were determined to have the entire clip shot before the first snowfall.

In early November, the time finally came. We packed cameras and props and headed out into the picturesque Swiss countryside. The filming day was upon us, and we were ready to turn our vision into reality. We brought along Tobias's grandmother's wooden bench and authentic Appenzeller costumes to capture the atmosphere of the original commercial. After an intense day (with inappropriate footwear on my part), It's a wrap!
This was the pivotal moment when our idea transformed from paper to reality. There was no deadline. But this was just the beginning of our exciting journey, full of surprises and challenges ahead.

We are live!
The Moment of Awakening ⏰
Meanwhile, our colleague Samuel Steiner had embarked on his journey to Australia. Despite the distance of thousands of kilometres, we kept in touch sporadically. I was in the repetition course of the Swiss Army, spending my nights in the bunkers of Switzerland. Tobias too was caught up in his service obligations, so we were all busy with our respective commitments.
On November 27th at 10:15 AM, Samuel posted the Blick article about Malbuner in our Slack channel. Someone had the same idea – a parody of the famous Appenzeller cheese commercial. Our secret was out, and we had to act fast. That very day, I had a march to Schwägalp. It was already night for Samuel, and Tobias was on his way to his service. With one foot in my combat boot, I called Tobias from KeyFrame and explained the situation.
Can we make it by 2:00 PM?
While Tobias organized the colour grading of the video, I was on my way to the summit, and Samuel with sleeping children somewhere in a camper in the Australian Outback.
The Reveal
At exactly 2:00 PM, the video was ready. Thomas Hug from Nine, along with Samuel, took care of the release. The video spread on YouTube and the official Deploio channels. Despite the unexpected challenge, everything worked out in the end. Our commercial is a humorous homage to Swiss tradition, but with a digital twist. It highlights the unique features of Deploio. In our version, it's all about the simplicity and ease Deploio offers in managing web applications. The story behind it shows that sometimes the best ideas can come from different people at the same time. We are proud of the result and invite you to get to know Deploio better.
Behind every successful project are countless hours of hard work and teamwork. In this case, it worked across borders and despite obligations. A big thank you to everyone involved in this project. Stay tuned!